[BIOL 239] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (129 pages long!)

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The way genes transmit physiological, anatomical, and behavioural traits from parents to offspring. Compare and contrast the relationship between dogs and wolves. Dogs and wolves can reproduce to form viable and fertile offspring. And they are considered different species because they do not naturally mate or interact with each other. No, taming is not the same things as domestication. The definition of species is: animals that can"t breed together but dogs and wolves can, physiologically, but they tend not to therefore both dogs and wolves are considered to be different species. When got pups from friendly foxes and made them be raised by hyper aggressive foxes, the pups grew up to be friendly, proving that its the nature that is more important than nurture in this case. Selectively bred for compassion in foxes (1/20 foxes liked humans) Surprisingly, though he selected for behaviors, somehow physiological changes occurred too over time (fur colour, ear shape, tail wagging behavior).