AHS107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Symbolic Interactionism, Socioeconomic Status, Social Inequality

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Document Summary

Goals of sociology of activity: provide introduction = focus of shared beliefs & practices, taking penetrating gaze that goes beyond common understanding, create change. Identify & analyze patterns of change and stability. Power = being able to do what you want w/o anyone opposing you: more money, more education and greater socioeconomic status = more access to power. Power struggle = area of contention & inequality. Looks at society as an equilibrium balance; focuses on social institutions that make up society. Society is social system of interlocking & interrelated parts. Strength = promotes solidarity & stability: weakness = over emphasizes consensus exits in society, conflict theory. Sees society as a system of structure & relationships shaped by economy; sociologist must record patterns of power/class/gender relations. Strength = focuses on class inequality; seeks moral end (rich share the wealth: weakness = limited to certain environments; affirms -"ve and conflicted state of society, symbolic interactionism.