[PSY 246] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 47 pages long Study Guide!

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Popular belief that people only use a small portion of their brains. Experiment on animals where they injured 90% of the brain and still functioned. Neuropsychology: the study of behaviour; study of the relation between behaviour and the activity of the brain. Heart, mind, and brain: the early history of neuropsychology. Cardiocentric hypothesis: the heart was the source of human behaviour; aristotle and. Cephalocentric hypothesis: the brain is responsible for these functions; brain hypothesis; Trephination: skills surgically excised or cut open, presumably for therapeutic value. Dualism: the mind and body are separate but interacting entities; descartes. Monism: the mind and body are unitary. Legallois discovered that lesioning the medulla resulting in the immediate cessation of breathing. Bell and magendie studied the nerves that exited the spinal cord. Gall and spurzheim suggested cortex was functionally localized; mathematical ability, memory for words, and spoken language, were mediated by separate areas of the brain; phrenology (cranioscopy); localization of language.