ARCH 112- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Mesopotamia was between the tigris and euphrates rivers in the middle east, the present-day iraq. There were three different periods associated with the mesopotamia civilization. There was also the creation of the earliest cuneiforms: monumental works, the temples, shrines and ziggurats. Uruk = the oldest known city in the world. Ur = ancient city that had the excavations of the royal burials. Ziggurat of ur = 4 stories high, where the ruler priests made offerings to the gods. Dynastic period = 3000bc / 5000ya: defined as the period when the upper and lower regions are united under one ruler narmer, there was the narmer palette that displayed through art that narmer was the ruler of both region. The white as the upper and the red as the lower. Old kingdom period = 2575-2134bc / 4575-4134ya: when the majority of the pyramids were built.