RLGN 2020- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 19 pages long!)

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Buddhology study of buddhism including ancient study and contemporary study. In western ideas of buddhism: meditation, inner reflection, enlightenment not same to historical eastern ideas. + tibetan buddhism and zen buddhism are popular in western. Indian (ancient) buddha died approximately 400 bce after 45 years of teaching missions. Dalit buddhist movement political movement: rejected hinduism and created a new set of buddhism called navayana. + you die but mental state still remains and is then reborn in another new body. + can be reborn as any beings (human, animal or even god) or born into the hell. + in india, doing bad things leads you to the hell. Circle of being died or born has many different stages. Nirvana - put an end to rebirth. + buddhas, arhats and pratyekabuddha can achieve nirvana. 3 types of beliefs to become a liberator: Yes or no still depending on inclination.