RLGN 1420 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ethical Monotheism, Islamic Ethics, Zoroastrianism

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*note* islam will constitute the most questions from any single tradition. You will have to define 15 terms, which will be worth 2 marks each. Marks will be given for identifying the tradition in question, along with a clear and detailed one- to-two sentence response. Responses must be longer than a few words in order to obtain full marks. Zoroastrianism: identified as the first tradition to embrace ethical monotheism, Zoroastrianism is considered a forerunner to the jewish, christian, and islamic faiths with which it shares a linear view of time and a conception of good and evil. Yin and yang, confucius, jesus, john xxiii, rabbi hillel, esu, ahimsa, Mahayana, bushido, martin luther, reform judaism, gnosticism, apostolic. Succession, muhammad, the night journey, sufism, sunni, shi"ite, zakat, Muhammad, khadija, mecca, medina, kabba, the night journey, saladin/salah al din, a. h ( year of the hirja ), abu bakr, sufism, ali, sunni, shi"ite/shi"a,