PHIL 2831 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bruce S. Barry, Categorical Imperative, Employment

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Total possible high score = 100 marks: ethical egoism and its critics (10 marks) In your own words, provide a concise description of the normative ethical theory ethical egoism. Explain the criticism of ethical egoism that maintains it is incapable of providing ethical direction in cases of genuine conflict of self- interest. Proponents of this theory tend to base their view on the alleged fact that human beings are, by nature, selfish (the doctrine of psychological egoism). A clear distinction between psychological and ethical egoism must be drawn however. Psychological egoism is a descriptive theory that seeks to explain how we act. As such, it does not explain how we ought to act. Ethical egoism is an attractive account because it places an emphasis on following one"s self- interest. However, there are problems concerning its ability to be prescriptive especially in cases of conflicting self-interests.