PHIL 2750 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: David Schmidtz, Deep Ecology, Sentience

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Theory: extend to non-human animals the same equality for consideration that we extend to humans. Consider animal liberation as an equal movement to other oppressed groups. Idea that if we treated people like we treated animals it would be considered evil. Sentient: able to perceive/feel things: can suffer/feel pain or feel pleasure/enjoyment prerequisite to have interests. Conclusion: animals have equal moral status but that their interests need not be counted equally with our own. Doing this on people that have equal capacities or even less-so than humans (disabled): there is a range that needs to be established but what about people who fall within or outside that technically shouldn"t (special cases) Utilitariasm by singer: aggregate the things that create the most utility and provide the most well-being regardless of what they are (over time) Futility: pointless or useless what i do doesn"t really increase or decrease anything on a singular level. Theory: animal activists can"t be environmentalist and vice- versa.