BIOL 2520- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 51 pages long!)

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Document Summary

L e c t u r e 1 | 1. Today"s lecture: an introduction to cell biology, basic properties of cells, two classes of cells, size of cells. Introduction: cells are the smallest unit of life. The cell: a self-contained membrane-bound unit which carries out the functions of life; organized, autonomous, and internally regulated: cell biology is reductionist (reduce it to smallest size possible) in nature: Knowledge of the parts may explain the whole. Some may view cell as a machine, but many of the components are still unknown. Understanding the workings of cells can reveal much about the nature of life. Characteristics of cells: cells the smallest unit of life, cells can reproduce themselves. Feature of life: cells acquire and use energy, cells perform chemical reactions metabolism. Includes catabolism + anabolism: cells are dynamic capable of movement. Move along surfaces within tissues: cells respond to stimuli. Has to be able to seek out nutrients through receptors: cells self-regulate.