ZOO 3000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Glycogen, Lutein, Simple Squamous Epithelium

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Document Summary

Pages 790-808, 834-855: consists of the ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina, and mammary glands. Ovary: stimulated by gonadotropin from the anterior pituitary, serves both an endocrine and exocrine function, endocrine steroidogenesis (produces oestrogen and progesterone, exocrine gametogenesis (oogenesis/egg creation) Single thin layer of low squamous to cuboidal epithelium srurrounding the tunica albuginea: tunica albuginea. Dense, fibroelastic connective tissue capsule that surrounds the ovary: mature follicles must pass through the serosa (these two layers) during ovulation, ovaries are composed of a cortex and a medulla, cortex, spindle-shaped cells. Centrally less dense medulla: boundary between cortex and medulla poorly defined, contains ovarian follicles and the stroma. The stroma is an unusual, highly cellular connective tissue unique to the female reproductive system. Coiled arteries called helicrine arteries: contains loose connective tissue, nerves, and lyphatics, refer to page 876-879. Oogenesis: germinal cells (oogonia or oocytes) arise from yolk sac and migrate to the gonads during early development, oogonia/oocytes, surrounded by follicular (granulosa) cells.