SOC 2080 Midterm: Midterm Review Part 2

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The role of farmers parties: a new form of power. Most progressive farm leaders of the province set out to build a unified/broadly based farm organization. United farmers was to provide organizational vehicle for agrarian protest that occurred in the province later. Brought up rural protests that ended in farmers forming the most economically significant jurisdiction in the country. Military acts stated that men aged 20-45 were to enlist, farmers opposed this. Boys from farm families were exempted from this b/c of vital role they played to produce food for the war effort (this promise didn t hold) Farmers sent 5,000 ppl to ottawa to explain why they didn t feel this was right (prime minister opposed this) Farmer s won most votes in parliament before selecting leader ( this however was short lived) Also wanted to bring hydro-electric power under tighter control (threats w/cost overruns)