[SOAN 3100] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 77 pages long Study Guide!

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Sebastian/ camille has been gender non-confirming since 16 months. Parents view her as having always been a girl but not having realized it until now. Early stages of using the she pronoun and the name camille. Many kids are utilizing puberty blockers, testosterone/estrogen and top/bottom surgery. Nicky"s parents saw two options, 1) have nicky conform to the gender norms. Or 2) help and support nicky in her decision. Risks to youth when we hold them back : suicide, depression, etc. Camille"s parents allow her to wear a dress to school for the first time. Camille"s parents seem pretty positive that this is not an exploratory stage but rather who she is and always has been. Camille"s grandparents are skeptical of her transition, they see it as a phase and don"t believe in changing her name or pronouns, the grandparents still use the name sebastian as well as male pronouns. Unhappy trans individuals often experience body dysphoria.