SOAN 2120 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Qualitative Research, Qualitative Property, Nvivo

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Is road rage a myth- all the data on crashes and accidents show decline in anger during the period when road rage reached an epidemic. Perhaps media reports fuelled perceptions of road rage (4) personal experience: if something happens to you, you accept as true. Personal experience has a strong impact and is a powerful knowledge: it can although leave you astray (optical illusion). Data: empirical evidence or information that one gathers carefully according to rules or procedures. The data can quantitative (expressed as numbers) or qualitative (expressed as numbers) Empirical evidence: refers to observations that people experience through the senses- touch, sight hearing, smell and taste. To begin the process, select the topic- a general area of study or issue. You must then narrow down the topic, or focus the topic into a specific research question. As you learn about a topic and narrow the focus, you should review past research or the literature on a topic.