SOAN 2120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Standard Deviation, Statistical Theory, Likert Scale

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Soan*2120 midterm notes: conflict between competing groups, class struggle, equality of result means everyone is equal in the end, gender distribution should be equal. On the other hand 90% of people in prison are also male: argue that functionalists are na ve. Functionalism (emile durkheim: things exist in society because they serve a function, equality of opportunity, provides everyone with the same opportunities, argue that conflict theorists are conspiracy theorists at the extreme. Functionalism and conflict are at the macro level. Interpretive school: focus on symbolism, meanings behind peoples behaviour, each individuals perception of reality. Contemporary social science is about research: research methods are used to generate and evaluate theories, testable theories. The hypothesis is what makes the theory testable. Types of theories: numerical values, experiments, survey results. 3 stages: pre test treatment, post test. His most influential work was on social and economic change. Capitalism is the most powerful force on the planet in his opinion (and the darkest)