PSYC 3410 Study Guide - Final Guide: Receptive Aphasia, Global Aphasia, Deep Dyslexia

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The difference in function of different brain regions. Left and right hemispheres have been separated: by commissurotomy. Discovery of the specific contributions of left hemisphere damage to aphasia and apraxia: aphasia: brain damage produced deficit in the ability to produce or comprehend language. Inferior prefrontal cortex or left hemisphere (broca"s area: apraxia: difficulty performing movements when asked to perform them out of context. One hemisphere (usually the left) assumes the dominant role in all complex behavioural cognitive processes o. Sodium amytal test: often given prior to neurosurgery o. Injection of a small amount of sodium amytal into the carotid artery on one side of the neck. The injection anesthetizes the hemisphere on that side for a few minutes thus allowing the capacities of the other hemisphere to be assessed. Dichotic listening test: non-invasive o o o o. 3 pairs of digits are presented to an individual through headphones simultaneously ex.