PSYC 3410 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ghrelin, Polyphagia, Neuropeptide Y

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Short answer: briefly describe the sham-eating preparation for rodents and explain the pattern of eating for familiar vs. unfamiliar foods in these animals. Based on these findings, what conclusion can be drawn about satiety signals and why are the results of the sham-eating preparation a weakness of set-point theory? (6) Swallowed food does not pass onto the stomach but exits the esophagus and exits the body. In early trials animals consume much less when the food is familiar compared to unfamiliar. When the food is familiar they eat about as much familiar food post-surgery vs. pre-surgery. Over time the amount of familiar food eaten will increase until it matches unfamiliar food. Rats with vmh lesions: increased insulin, increased fat storage, decreased available energy, eat to maintain function. Design an experiment to test te involvement of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (vmh) and/or pvn in feeding and metabolism and describe your expected results.