PSYC 3310 : Health Psychology Chapter

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Document Summary

Suggests that the actions we take to safeguard out health are influenced by a number of factors, including (a) general health values, (b) perceived susceptibility to illness, (c) perceptions of illness severity, (d) expectation of treatment success, (e) self efficacy, (f) perceived barriers and benefits, and (g) cues to action (a) assumes that we have some interest in our health and concern about maintaining good health in the first place. (b) depends on our general knowledge of disease and how our actions influence our health (c) is the health threat serious? (getting a flu shot isn"t important, however quitting smoking is important due to cancer) (d) if we change will it actually reduce our health threat (e) do i have what it takes to change (f) weigh the costs and benefits of changing our behavior (g) events that trigger us to adopt healthy behaviors.