PSYC 3250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Principal Component Analysis

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0: what does the frequency - statistics table show, the sample size for the variables of gender and college. If there were missing values that would mean that for ex. The gender for one participant was not recorded. 100. 0: indicates the frequency or number of participants for each category of gender. In the table there are 5 of each gender, with each gender representing 50% of data set. What does the frequency table college show: indicates the frequency for each category of college. Shows 6 students attended college at home & 4 attended away representing 60% and 40% of the data set. 10 college: what does the case processing summary table indicate, the number of observations included in the analysis (10), the number excluded (0), and the total number of observations in the data set. 600. 00: what is the mean and std.