PSYC 2410 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Metabolic Waste, Natural Selection, Franz Nissl

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Document Summary

Neuroscience: the scientific study of the nervous system: neurons: cells that receive and transmit electrochemical signals. Brain has 100 billion neurons and trillions of connections. Brain is a plastic (changeable) grows and changes in response to genes and experiences. Biopsychology the study of the biology of behaviour: developed into a discipline in the 20th century (still young) The organization of behvaiour by d. o hebb played major role: Developed the first comprehensive theory of how complex psychological phenomena, might be produced by brain activity: evolutionary perspective: thinking of the environmental pressures that likely led to evolution of our brains & behaviour. D. o. hebb organization & behaviour: first comprehensive theory of how complex (perception, emotion, memories) might be produced by brain activity. Human & nonhuman subjects: human brains: follow instructions, report experiences, cheaper. Brains differ from nonhumans in terms of overall size and the extent of their cortical development (more quantitative: non-human brians: Simpler brains & behaviour (likely to reveal fundamental brain-behaviour interactions)