PSYC 2330 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Leon Kamin, Classical Conditioning, Dopaminergic

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Cr (l = light; t= tone; us= unconditioned stimulus; cr= conditioning responses) Blocked group got no conditioned response to the tone. This experiment is important because it shows that: conditioning is not an automatic result of cs-us pairing, for conditioning to occur, the cs must be informative and the us surprising. Blocking group, phase 2: the us is not surprising to the animal, animal is not pushed to learn why he is getting this: already predicted by the light. Measure of cr during cs-us conditioning trials (curved graph that evens out on top) V= associative strength between cs and us. Vmax = maximum associative strength (triangle) v = change in associative strength on each conditioning trial (less surprising so delta v gets smaller) Vn= strength of the association at the beginning of trial n. Deltavn= change is the strength of the association produced by trial n. Learning curves can differ in terms of: vmax, rate of acquisition.