[POLS 4050] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (111 pages long)

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Roberts & cole introduction to sentencing and parole. One of the most difficult jobs a judge has: consequences are high: can deprive someone of their liberty, may be facing conflicting pressures. Sentencing: the judicial determination of a legal sanction to be imposed on a person found guilty of an offence. No single objective exists for punishing offenders: one purpose is to reduce the level of crime by deterring others (reductivist), this can be measured, retribution is punishment for punishments sake, and cannot be measured empirically. Sometimes sentencing focuses on the past (how serious was the crime) or the future (will they re-offend?) Desert advocates argue that it is more equitable to punish an individual for what he or she has done than for what that person might do. Major obstacle to preventing crime by sentencing offenders is the degree of attrition (many cases never make it to sentencing: only 2-5% of crimes result in conviction and a sentencing hearing.