POLS 3130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Precedent, Judicial Notice, Public Law

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Public law: rules that govern relationships and disputes involving the state. Three main types are: administrative law, criminal law and constitutional law. Takes place in the uk, canada, us and former british colonies. Private law: rules that govern relationships and disputes involving individuals, groups and corporate entities. Consists of tort law, contract law and family law. Cases of assault, battery and kidnapping would be handled in private law. Division of powers: divides which powers the provincial and federal government have jurisdiction over. The federal governments powers are covered under section 91 of the canada act, and section 92 covers the provincial governments powers. An example of a federal power is the criminal law. An example of a provincial power is property rights. Judicial branch: a branch of government who decided who gets what in society. Section 92 courts: created, administered and judge appointment by provinces. It is at the bottom of the legal ladder.