PHIL 2280 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Categorical Imperative, Magical Objects In Harry Potter, Sea Monster

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Justice is sticking to their own business for a city, for a person wisdom, courage and moderation part of the individual. For the city: the philosopher kings have wisdom, axillaries courage and the working class has moderation, if you have all of these 3 things you will get justice. The harmony from no one interfering with each other. Everything has a perfect form that only philosophers can see. Poets can"t see the forms; they are three times removed from seeing the form. 2 worlds: what we are experiencing now and the real world of forms, with different characteristics. Reality: particular, temporal, contingent, and changing all the time. Reality is thus, the form of a thing. Forms: the world of experience or appearance is temporal, particular, contingent and never changing. The real world or intangible world is external, universal, necessary and unchanging. The forms are organised with the good on top and the dirt on the bottom.