PATH 3610 Study Guide - Final Guide: Apoptosis, Reticulocyte, Blood Doping

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Take blood from a vein because it represents blood in the rest of the body. Test for speciic things based on clinical signs (too expensive to test everything) Types of tests performed on blood: haematology: study of cells of the blood. Extract blood, stored in refrigerated bag rbcs removed age very rapidly injected back in before event. Transfusion of own blood more cells, more oxygen, beter performance. They can tell it"s been done because your blood cells are older (smaller)! Blood cells originate in the bone marrow (hemopoieic marrow) Spleen ilters rbc"s those that are lexible to it through hole coninue on in circulaion, those that cannot are taken up by macrophages and digested. White blood cells leave by leukocyte emigraion. Lymphocytes lymph nodes, spleen, other lymphoid issue via cytokines, or circulate long-term. Granulocytes and monocytes issues based on demand. Bone marrow aspirate (draw luid from vessel/cavity) and biopsy.