MICR 2420 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ignaz Semmelweis, Sergei Winogradsky, Carl Woese

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Founder of medical epidemiology/ demonstrated that infection caused more morbidity than any other condition. Experimented with grinding ever strong magnifying lenses/ first person to observe single-celled organisms. Discovered chirality of organic molecules/ discovered fermentative metabolism/ used swan-necked flasks to demonstrate that microbes are not produced through spontaneous generation. Realized the agent of the disease could not be a bacterial cell. Studies recently discovered prokaryotes in hot springs; leading to the description of life belonging to. Determine that specific microbes cause specific diseases/ developed (cid:498)koch postulates(cid:499) Processed 4000 kgs of infected tobacco leaves and purified the infectious virus by crystallization; virology was born. Proposed that eukaryotic organelles evolved by endosymbiosis from prokaryotic cells engulfed by proto-eukaryotes. Built the first compound microscope/ observed and drew nematodes, mites, and mold sporangia. First to study bacteria in natural habitats/ discovered lithotrophs/ discovered enrichment cultures/ built the winogradsky column.