MATH 2160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Conjugate Transpose, Identity Matrix

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The determinant of a matrix a = (aij) is equal to the sum of the products obtained by multiplying the entries of any row (or column) by their respective cofactors: |a| = ai1ai1 + ai2ai2 + + ainain aijaij (expansion along ith row) n j=1 and. |a| = a1ja1j + a2ja2j + + anjanj n i=1 aijaij (expansion along jth column) A matrix a times it"s adjoint matrix is equal to the identity matrix scaled by a factor of the determinant of. November 24, 2016: (k + k ) u = k u + k u, (kk ) u = k(k u, 1 u = u. Lev v be a vector space, and let w v . Assume w satis es: u, v w = u v w, k r and u w = k u w then w is a subspace of v . If w is a subspace of a vector space v then 0 w.