ISS 3420 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Intersectionality, Social Class

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C. wright mills says the sociological imagination means understanding society by having a grasp of interplay of social structure and individuals. Seeing the general in the particular (berger, 1963) Individual life experiences are shaped by the society in which we live and the general categories in which we fall. Social class, academic history, gender (most important), race, age, sexual orientation, ability. Substantive: rights and obligations i. e criminal law states what types of conduct are prohibited. Procedural: sets out the methods to enforce these rights and duties i. e. contains rules for enforcing criminal law. Procedural: sets out the methods to enforce these rights and duties i. e. contains rules for enforcing criminal law e. g. rules police must follow when making an arrest. Criminal law comes into existence when the states declares itself to be the injured party for certain types of infractions (linden, 2004:21).