HROB 2100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nominal Group Technique, Markov Chain, Shortage

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The process of forecasing future human resources requirements to ensure that the organizaion will have the required number of employees with the necessary skills to meet its strategic objecives. Helps organizaion: meet strategic goals and objecives, achieve economies in hiring new workers, make major market labour demands successfully, anicipate and avoid shortages and surpluses of human resources, control or reduce labour costs. External environmental factors monitored include: economic condiions: market and compeiive trends, new or revised laws relaing to hr, demographic trends social concerns (health care, childcare, educaional prioriies) technological changes. Step 1: forecasing the availability of candidates (supply) Step 3: planning and implemening hr programs to balance supply and demand. Forecasing supply of internal candidates: skills inventories and management inventories, replacement charts and replacement summaries, succession planning, markov analysis. Skills inventories: summary of current employees" educaion, experience, interests, and skills, used to idenify eligibility for transfer/promoion.