HIST 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scholasticism, Thomas Robert Malthus, Boyar

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There will be 2 terms/persons as well as 2 documents to identify/discuss. Each answer should be approximately 1 paragraph in length. Henri iv: henri iv"s assassination (may 1610) left infant son (9 years) king (louis. Louis xiv: sun king; most glamorous/powerful ruler of 17th century; dominated. Europe; remembered youth and would never allow people to get close to him again. Cardinal richelieu: architect of unified french state; powerful minister; highly appointed in church; civil servant of king; became powerful through service to king; came from humble background and rose up. Ivan iv: ruled with great brutality (ivan the terrible); bloody approach to ruling; unconstrained ruler; brutality against nobles who contradicted/questioned him. Peter i, catherine i: attempted to modernize russian state; called for french culture at all levels. Francis bacon: inductive method; determining truth; popularizes methods of experiment; empiricism; base thinking of what you observe/measure. Copernicus: proposed heliocentrism; sun-centered universe; made attempts to soften his theory; fueled scientific revolution.