HIST 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mercantilism, House Of Romanov, Napoleonic Code

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State rulers and royal courts also funded these thinkers and scientists. Idea born that science should benefit the state: effect of scientific revolution: 17th and 18th century thinkers would increasingly see the world as a machine with laws running each part of it. Rousseau believed that humans needed to follow their nature rather and punish each other (especially in education). Also wrote about politics, with humans entering into a contract with their rulers. Introduces direct democracy, so people will be citizens rather than subjects (even though he only included people who were educated): french revolution, american revolutionary war. Wanted to learn how to westernize and expand russia: sees the greatness of his country reflected in territorial gains. Russia is at war for every year of his reign except one: trains himself as a soldier and works his way through military ranks like a common man.