HIST 1010 Final: HistoryChapterReviews

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15 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 14 - the crisis of western states. Peace of augsburg - established the local authorities responsibility to select the religion of the area, one faith & one king. Created confusion as princes converted back and forth. Left no room for moderates: both sides had a philosophical outlook was absolute, left no room for moderates, attacked by both sides. 1550 - 1650 was a time of internal and external conflict throughout europe. Destructive to the development of the nation. As a result of reformation in france, there was a catholic monarchy that was divided between. Protestants were led by the bourbons (henry of navarre) They came from all levels of society, mostly tradesmen, artisans and nobility (40-50%) including the bourbon line (who were related to the kings) This made them a powerful political threat despite only representing 7% of the population. They were centred in growing towns and cities, which also represent a challenge to growth of monarchical powers.