GEOG 3210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Barter, Indian Act, Montreal Protocol

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90% of the country is crown land (common property) thus good public management is essential in resource development. We are predisposed to a culture of resource extraction. Hewers of wood and drawers of water . Any environmental good that has a societal use and value. A resource is culturally defined based on subjective and relative values. Resources are not, they become developing value to the environment; value changes over space and time. Limits to growth: belief in the retention of the status quo in the existing structure of political and corporate power, but, a demand for more responsiveness and accountability in political, regulatory, planning and educational institutions. Environmental worldview: ecocentrism, demand for redistribution of power towards a decentralized federated economy, emphasis on informal economic and social transactions and the pursuit of participatory and environmental justice, redistribution of wealth. Curbing emissions will limit the supply of low-cost fossil fuel, which will slow economic growth.