GEOG 2110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Anthropocene, Deep Ecology, Consumer Sovereignty

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Environment- the biophysical world that surrounds and supports us (and plants/animals). Society- includes humans and the larger systems of culture, politics and economic exchange that govern their interrelationship. Cannot separate environment and society, they are dependent on each other. Many ways to view environmental problems, therefore many solutions. Conceptualizing natural resources use factors influencing demand: human wants, needs values, environmental perceptions, resource prices, competition, profitability, rules, regulations, institutional arrangements, environmental impact- change in biophysical conditions attributable to a specific human action. Factors influencing environmental impact are: the biophysical environment, magnitude and frequency of action, duration and timing of each action. Manifested in: resource depletion, pollution, environmental restructuring. Human nature is inherently and inevitably self-interested, especially in our collective/shared resources. Defined human nature" with respect to the use of non-private resources: playing by the rules could be foolish. Its argument and acceptance of it: based off of formal institutions.