GEOG 1350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Slope Stability, Rhyolite, Magma Chamber

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Formerly the richter scale was used, which measure the strength of seismic waves 100km from the epicenter. Now, we use the moment magnitude scale which is determined by the area ruptured, amount of movement along the fault, and elasticity of the crust at the focus. Each number on the scale is 10x stronger than the number before. 2 types of fault: strike-slip faults: displacements are horizontal. Occur along transform faults where plates slide horizontally past each other. Eg; san andreas fault line: dip-slip faults: displacements are vertical. Thrust faults: these occur on converging plates at subduction zones (between land and ocean plate) similar to reverse faults, but the hanging wall has moved up at angle less than 45*. Normal fault: are associated with divergent boundaries and are common along the mid-atlantic ridge. These are often low intensity and are deep in the ocean.