[GEOG 1350] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 14 pages long Study Guide!

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Boundaries (three types: divergent margins, convergent margins (depends on crust, transformation fault margins. Rocks and crust can be deformed (folding) Disaster- events that cause serious injury, loss of life and property damage over a limited time within specific geographic area. Catastrophy- a massive disaster that requires significant expenditure of money and time for recovery to take place. Exposure- overlap in space and time of a hazardous process on an infasturucture or population. Mitigation- planners/policy makers prepare for disaters to minimize harmful effects. Suture zone- plates meet alongside a continent-to-continent collision boundary delinated by high faulted and crumpled mountains. Epicentre- earthquakes is the point of surface of earth directly above fault rupture focus on hypocentre. Hypocentre- location of initial rupture along fault (directly below epicentre) Moment magnitude- most commonly used measure of earthquakes. Tectonic creep- gradual movement along fault without accompanying felt earthquakes. Resonance- horizontal component of motion is strong/frequency of shaking matches natural vibrational frequency.