GEOG 1300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Subsolar Point, Equinox, Coronal Mass Ejection

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Geography the science that studies the relationships among natural systems, geographic areas, society, cultural activities, and the interdependence of all of these over space. Physical geography the spatial analysis of all the physical elements and processes that make up the environment. Studies the spatial patterns of weather and climate, soils, vegetation, animals, water, and landforms. System any ordered, interrelated set of things and their attributes linked by flows of energy and matter distinct from the environment outside the system. Open: inputs and outputs of energy and matter. Rejected any ideas that went against the church"s teachings. Archbishop usher: earth was created in 4004bc and landforms resulted from catastrophic religious events. Uniformitarianism: earth"s landscapes changed gradually over time (hutton, playfair, lyell) Davis: dendation chronology (davison cycles of of erosion) landscapes evolved in similar way to species (crap theory) G. k. gilbert: wanted to describe physical processes and systems.