GEOG 1220 Midterm: Psysical Process and models.pdf

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The physical spheres and life: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere. This is the essence of human impact on the environment. 3 factors that have contributed to the creation of the earth"s environment: Energy: solar energy (exogenous, geothermal energy (endogenous) E. g. the urban climate (urban heat islands) Global circulation of the hydrosphere: sources of water on earth, hydrologic cycle, hydrologic cycle, natural patterns and human effects. What are natural means of saturating the air: 1, 2, 3, 4, precipitation. Orographic precipitation: results when moist air is forced to rise when passing over a mountain range. Convectional precipitation: results from the free ascent of unstable air; usually short-term, intensive rainfall that produces thunder storms. Convergent precipitation: takes place when air moves into a low-pressure trough or topographic depression and escapes by moving upward. Frontal precipitation: occurs when warm air is pushed aloft as it overtakes cold air (warm front) or is overtaken by cold air (cold front)