[GEOG 1220] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (17 pages long!)

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Chapter 1: an introduction to environmental geography living) components: humans and what we have built are also a part of this environment. First photo of the earth came about in 1967. Environment: )ncludes all of earth"s biotic (cid:523)living things(cid:524) and abiotic (cid:523)non- Canada"s natural environment, conserve our renewable resources and. Mandate of environment canada is to preserve and enhance the quality of protect our water. Environmental geography: a study of the interrelationships between human and biophysical systems of a variety of spatial and temporal scales. There are limits to many of our natural resources: renewable resources: replenishable over time such as sunlight, wind and wave energy. Soil can be a renewable resource but we have to harvest it intelligently (takes 10,000 years for soil formation to occur in cold climates) Sometimes called stock and flow resources: non-renewable resource: in finite supply and are depletable, they do not renew themselves in our lifetime. Fossil fuels, minerals like copper and lead.