FRHD 3060 Study Guide - Final Guide: Long-Term Care, Population Health, Sandwich Generation

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Contemporary social issues: changing family structures (not midterm) In gerontology family research has been significant (more so in other disciplines) given the link between families and caregiving. Important to define family so we all start from a common conceptualization of the topic. Her daughter gave up some of her jobs to take care of her: (cid:498)(ow quickly the roles can reverse(cid:499) Taking care of her own family and her mom. The fact that joanna has her family allows her to maintain independence. Daughter mentioned her blood pressure rose, diabetes, very traumatic for the rest of the family. Joanna"s family is much more involved than arn"s family. Arn was more physically disabled, joanna was more cognitively disabled. Joanna may not realize the extent to which she is being helped. In both stories the primary caregiver was a woman. Both families are trying to enable this independence as much as possible. Family of orientation: the family you came from.