FRHD 1020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Obstetrics, Depth Perception, Marasmus

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Total fertility rate (tfr): number of births per woman. Majority culture: within a country, the cultural group that sets most of the norms and standards and holds most of the positions of political, economic, intellectual, and media power. Contexts: settings and circumstances that contribute to variations in pathways of human development, including ses, gender, and ethnicity, as well as family, school, community, media, and culture. Socioeconomic status (ses): persons social class, including educational level, income level, and occupational status. Ethnicity: group identity that may include components such as cultural origin, cultural traditions, race, religion, and language. Ontogenetic: characteristic pattern of individual development in a species. Phylogenetic: pertaining to the development of a species. Charles darwin natural selection evolutionary process in which the offspring best adapted to their environment survive to produce offspring. Through natural selection, species change little by little with each generation, and over a long period of time they can develop into new species.