ENVS 3040- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 105 pages long!)

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The first part of this reading focuses on manipulating domestic and beneficial animals using pheromones. Vertebrate pheromones are most frequently used as primers to manipulate reproductive cycles and for sexual signalling. However, wyatt also touches on the use of pheromones in mediating stresses associated with territoriality in captive and companion animals. Pest management - process of keeping pest populations below levels at which they can cause an unacceptable amount of damage to a crop. The goal of pest management is to keep the amount of damage caused by pests to a level that does not cause yield losses and that does not have an economic impact. There are three main uses of pheromones in the integrated pest management of insects. The most important application is in monitoring a population of insects to determine if they are present or absent in an area or to determine if enough insects are present to warrant a costly treatment.