ENGL 1200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Two-Face, Polysemy, Neoliberalism

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Set aside 10 min before you start to rough draft before essay. Marking scheme similar to writing assignments but not exact. Relationship between form and content (structure, colour etc. ) content is meaning you get out of it, interaction between form and content (example: use of lighting in dark night, how the lighting enhances the plot) Any art that looks to the future and is not concerned w/the past. Style of art that is incorporated into mainstream work. Key theme (ready player one, avant-garde and nostalgia) A concept of identity, notion of gender (example) is a construct. We are being determined by external forces, who you are is socially constructed. Example: ready player one, virtual space we construct ourselves as an avatar. Example: dark knight, truth and justice are different things based on perspective. One thing that can mean many different things.