[EDRD 3500] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 29 pages long Study Guide!

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2 dogs died and 4 were sickened after coming into contact with a poisonous substance in a leash free area of the park. Perhaps due to antifreeze in dog water bowls. Also found bread soaked in poison in a bush. There is a controversy over shrinking the size of an off leash area in the park. A vet treating some of the sick dogs says that they were not poisoned by antifreeze and is not sure what made them sick. Number of snowmobilers expected to drop; short season combined with rising. Insurance premiums continue to rise and the lack of snow is an issue. Get maybe 10 weeks of snowmobiling, 6 of which are good, 3 excellent: but need to buy 12 month insurance policies. Each winter billion in snowmobile related spending provides jobs, revenues and business opportunities in rural areas. Cost to insure trail areas has also skyrocketed.