CLAS 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Laius, Polybus Of Corinth, Proskynesis

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Zeugetae: the zeugitae were those whose property or estate could produce 200 bushels of wet or dry goods (or their equivalent), per year. Significance is that it shows the different levels and classes according to property. Sarissa: created by phillip, it was a new phalanx where he lightned the armour and liengthend the spear. Significant because it was an advancement in technology and more effective in battle, more range and depth. Thebes : 371 they defeated the spartans (athenian allies) and became the new military power. Chaeronea : confrontation at chaeronea , phillip met athenian army paid for by persians ,confrontation was to check the power of macedons. Pericles: he was elected strategos every year democratic reforms and socialized with intellectuals. Sphacteria : in 425, atheninas engaged in battle and won. Dionysia : a festival to warship dionysis including performances. Significance: story to describe the origins of humans. Prometheia: trilogy written by aeschylus (prometheus bound (1) ,