CIS 1500 Study Guide - Final Guide: Spaghetti Code, C Mathematical Functions, Evry

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Exam review: true or false a question like this will 100% be on the exam ! -- the type changes during the operation changing the suspected outcome to an integer. The number trumps to an integer but does. Therefore if it was 3. 9000 it would not equal 13 still 12. True or false: the function atoi is used to convert a string to integer. True or false: if a prgm stack is filled and overflows it will crash. True or false: the following is a valid array subscript: double b[1000]; b[1000] = 53. 1; true or false, calc with floats is more precise than ints. True or false: useability is the process of making prgms more useable. True or false: defensive programming is a type of proactive debugging stopping errors b4 they happen ---- (error checking ) ------------- True or false: while loops function the same as do- while.