BIOM 4070 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intercalated Disc, Olfactory Epithelium, Cardiac Muscle

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Much more basophilic than bone would be (bone has collagen) Resting proliferation hypertrophy (holes get bigger) calcification. How to tell the muscle cell types apart. Cardiac muscle has intercalated disks and glycogen stores next to nucleus. Smooth muscle have taperings, nucleus is central. Skeletal muscle is striated, peripheral nuclei, large cells. Ganglion is a collection of nerve cell bodies outside cns, little bit less eosinophilic than nerves. Colo(cid:374) has go(cid:271)let (cid:272)ells a(cid:374)d esophagus/sto(cid:373)a(cid:272)h do(cid:374)"t. Microvilli has actin microfilaments core (increase sa for absorption) Straight tubular: very circular, coiled tubular would be irregularly shaped. Pancreas = compound tubulo-acinar seromucous gland (tubulo make mucus, acinar make serous) Lamellar bone has obvious rings and circular clear osteons. Pilosebaceous unit = apocrine sweat gland, hair follicle, sebaceous gland, arrector pili. Internal elastic membrane: wavy inside of muscular artery. Splenic nodule (dark in middle light around, b cells) Submucosal plexus controls blood vessels and glands in submucosa.