BIOM 3200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Prostaglandin, Thoracic Cavity, Natriuretic Peptide

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Identify characteristics of arteries, veins and capillaries based on location, oxygenation status of blood, wall size, lumen size, direction of blood flow. Identify the layers of an artery and indicate properties of each layer. Identify the layers of a vein and indicate properties of each layer. Hide feedback: tunica externa: connective tissue, tunica media: smooth muscle, tunica interna: includes the endothelium (lines lumen of blood vessel); basement membrane made of glycoproteins and connective tissue; elastin (elastic fiber) (ch. Identify the layers of a capillary and indicate the properties of each layer. Capillaries are composed of a single layer of endothelium, allowing for rapid exchange between blood and tissues. (ch. Describe pulse pressure of an artery and how it impacts blood flow. Pulse pressure results from the difference in pressure between systolic and diastolic pressure. This can be felt by palpating an artery and feeling its expansion.