BIOL 1500 Study Guide - Final Guide: Zygote, Homo Erectus, Punctuated Equilibrium

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A classification system that groups all organisms according to shared traits. Subspecies modernized name reflects the distinction between modern humans from earlier humans. What is the definition of a species according to each of the following species concepts, and what are the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of each species concept? a. Biological species concept b. genealogical species concept c. morphological species concept. Group of individuals that, in nature, can interbreed and produce fertile offspring but cannot reproduce with members of other species. Helps our understanding of why species are distinct from each other. Species capable of asexual reproduction or species only known via fossils do not easily fit into concept. Races are populations of a single species that have diverged from each other as a result of isolation of their gene pools. Led to the justification of slavery by presenting certain races as superior over others.