BIOL 1020 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Muscle Fatigue, Sarcomere, Myocyte

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O through millions of sensory receptors that monitor the changes: integration inside and outside the body. Processes and interprets the sensory input and dcides what to do at each movement. Output: effects of causes a response by activating the muscles/skeletal system or glands via motor output, bones form the internal framework that supports the body and. Movement: bones act as protection for the body"s soft organs, works along with muscles to provide locomotion. Storage: fat is stored in the internal cavities of bones. Bones is a tore house for minerals. Muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves are passed through the part on the bone that is scarred wit bumps and holes. There are two types of bone tissues: compact bone, spongy bone. Needlelike pieces of bone and lots of open space. Joints: hol bones together and allow movement, three structural and functional categories. Articulating bone ends are separated by a joint cavity containing synovial fluid = freely moveable.