ANSC 3120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reticulorumen, Victorian Football League, Rumen

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Species differences in gastrointestinal tracts - compare pigs, chickens, horses, and cattle. Aka prehension = seize food and bring it to the mouth. Sheep, goats, and horses = soft, flexible lips used for picking up food - not found in cattle or pigs. Sheep = cleft upper lip that allows them to graze close to the ground. Cattle = lack cleft upper lip, use tongue instead of upper lip for prehension. Birds = use of beak and claws for food gathering. Horses = use of teeth: incisors for cutting grass. Carnivores = use of canines to capture prey. Teeth = mastication for mechanical particle size reduction, increases sa for chemical digestion. Tongue = large muscular organ w. 3 major functions. Mix food with saliva for bolus formation to facilitate swallowing. Saliva = made up of water primarily plus . Solubilizes (dissolves food) to aid in tasting food + to start digestion of food.